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Welcome to Dillsburg Youth Baseball

Welcome to Dillsburg Youth Baseball





REVISED: 10/19/2020  


1. The name of the organization shall be Dillsburg Youth Baseball, Inc, hereinafter referred to as the “League.” 

 2.  The Organization shall have a seal, which shall be affixed to the Officers’ signatures.



 1. The purposes for which this League has been formed are to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens.  All Directors, Officers, Parents, and Participants shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. 

2. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. 


                       ARTICLE III - LEAGUE STRUCTURE 


1.   The League Structure shall consist of the following divisions: 



Instructional T-Ball

4-5 years old

Instructional Coach Pitch

6-7 years old


7-8 years old

Little League (Minors and Majors)

8, 9, -12years of age *

Intermediate 50/70

12 & 13 years of age


13-16 years of age ***

American Legion

16-19 years of age

The Second Season

7-18 years of age

Challenger Division

6-No age limit


                                        * -   Based on parental permission and try out performance  

                                         *** - Administered by Greater West Shore Baseball


2.      Age requirements for each Division are as follows: 


 A.   T-Ball (Instructional)

Any candidate who will attain the age of 4 years before Aug 31. and who will not attain the age of 5 years before Sept 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in T-Ball.  This means that a child who will be 6 years old on Aug 31  or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question


B. Coach Pitch (Instructional). 

Any candidate who will attain the age of 6 years before August 31 and who will not attain the age of 7 years before Sept 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in Hybrid Pitch.  This means that a child who will be 8 years old on Sept 1 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question.


C.  Hybrid Pitch (Instructional)

Any candidate who will attain the age of 7 years before August 31 and who will not attain the age of 8 years before Sept 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in Hybrid Pitch.  This means that a child who will be 9 years old on Sept 1 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question.


D. Little League (Minors Division) 

Any candidate who will attain the age of 8 years before August 31 and who will not attain the age of 10  years before Sept 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in Little League.  This means that a child who will be 11  years old on Sept 1 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question. 


E. Little League (Majors Division) 

Any candidate who will attain the age of 9 years before Aug 31 and who will not attain the age of 13 years before Sept 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in Little League.  This means that a child who will be 13 years old on Sept 1 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question. 

F. Intermediate – 50/70

Any candidate who will attain the age of 12 years before Aug 31,and who will not attain the age of 14 years before Sept 1 of the calendar year in question shall be eligible to compete in Intermediate – 50/70.  

G.. Senior Teeners

Any candidate who will attain the age of 13 years before August 1, and who will not attain the age of 19 years before August 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in Senior Teeners.  This means that a child who will be 19 years old on July 31 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question. 

H.. American Legion

Any candidate who will attain the age of 15 years before August 1 and who will not attain the age of 19 years before August 1 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in American Legion.  This means that a child who will be 19 years old on July 31 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question. 

H. Challenger Division

Any candidate who will attain the age of 6years before August 1 is eligible to participate.  There is no maximum age limit for the challenger division. 

I. The Second Season (Fall Ball)

Any candidate who will attain the age of 6 years before August 1, and who will not attain the age of 18 years before April 30 of the year in question shall be eligible to compete in Little League.  This means that a child who will be 13 years old on April 30 or earlier will not be eligible at any time for the calendar year in question. 







1. The Officers of the organization shall be as follows: 

A. President 

B. First Vice President - Teeners and Legion Teams 

C. Second Vice President – Majors Little League 

D. Third Vice President – Minors Little League 

E. Fourth Vice President - Instructional Division

F. Fifth Vice President – Challenger Division 

G. Secretary 

H. Treasurer 

I. Player Agent 

J. Umpire-in-Chief 

K. Safety Officer  

L. Equipment Officer 

M. Maintenance Director 

N. Public Relations Officer 

P. Concession Coordinator  


2. Any elected officer who consistently (3 consecutive meetings) fails to attend scheduled monthly or special meetings may be removed from office unless there is just cause for the absences.  Just cause shall be determined by a majority vote of the voting members at a Board meeting, either special or regular. The President must be in attendance.  


3. The President, by virtue of his Office, shall:

A. Preside at all board meetings.

            B. Be Chairman of the Board of Directors. 

C. Shall set the agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting 

D . See that all books, reports, and certificates as required are properly kept. 

E. Shall be one of the Officers who may sign the checks or drafts of the organization. 

F. Shall have such powers as reasonably may be construed as belonging to the Chief Executive of any organization.   

G.  The President shall also assume the right to administer executive decisions in the event of unforeseen times of uncertainty or circumstance.  Such times could be, but not limited to: authorizing a limited monetary allocation to temporarily repair property due to crime or vandalism, the taking of temporary disciplinary actions requiring immediate attention to resolve matters unbecoming to the League itself or as deemed necessary to protect the health and safety of any player, coach, parent or fan.  This action will remain in place until the full disciplinary committee convenes for further review.  See Article X for disciplinary clarifications. 


4. The First Vice President shall, in the event of the absence or inability of the President to exercise his Office, become Acting President of the organization with all the rights, privileges, and powers as if he had been duly elected President. 


5..Each Vice President shall be in charge of the League as outlined in paragraph one (1) of this Article.  In doing so, each Vice President shall insure that each manager and coach(es) of a team in their respective league understands and abides by the rules, by-laws, and the spirit of Dillsburg Youth Baseball, Inc.  In addition, each Vice President shall represent the best interests of the teams and players in their respective league.  Any questions or concerns by managers, coaches, players, or parents should be brought to the attention of the Vice President in charge of that particular league and either resolved or brought to the Board of Directors for resolution.  Each Vice President shall submit a yearly budget estimate to the League Treasurer for inclusion in the overall proposed budget plan 


6. Each Vice President shall be responsible for keeping their league standings and reporting the current standings as determined at the beginning of each season.  Each Vice President shall exercise all other duties incident to their office, including, but not limited to, the scheduling of all pre-season practices and regular season games, including makeup games and special games.  Each Vice President also shall assist the Player Agent with his respective player try-outs and draft   selection with the assistance of the President if needed. 


7. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the organization in the appropriate books, file any certificate that is required, give and serve all notices to members, to be official custodian of the record and seal, shall attend to all correspondence of the organization, and shall exercise all duties incident to the Office of the Secretary. The Secretary is also responsible for securing team sponsors as well as coordinating and securing sign sponsors each year. 


8. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all monies belonging to the organization and shall be solely responsible for such monies or securities of the organization. The Treasurer must be one of the Officers who shall sign checks or drafts of the organization, shall give a monthly report of the monies in the checking account and any other accounts that may be required and shall exercise all duties incident to the Office of Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall be bonded at least up to and including the amount of the projected budget for the upcoming year.  The Treasurer shall be required to prepare and submit a projected budget for approval by the Board of Directors for the upcoming year on or before the December meeting each year. 


9. The Player Agent shall conduct the administration of annual try-outs, the draft selection process, assist the respective division Vice Presidents with the validation and eligibility of players, supervises and coordinates the transfer and call-up of players to and from the different divisions.  Only the Player Agent can assign players for duty.  Simple call up protocol is as follows.  Any team, from any division, shall seek or if required, roster players from the first playing division beneath that of the requesting team. Any exception to this protocol must be approved by the applicable division Vice President. A player in the Majors Division may not be called up to play on a team above the Majors Division.  Under no circumstance is any manager to solicit, entice or advertise his or her intentions for a call up player or disciplinary actions may be taken. The role of the Player Agent is second only to the President. 


10. The Umpire-in-Chief 

The Umpire-in-Chief shall be responsible for the scheduling of umpires for all
regular season games in the Minor, Major and Intermediate League divisions as well as all make-
up games. The Umpire-in-Chief will be responsible for scheduling of umpires for all second season games in the  Minor, Major, Intermediate, and Teener divisions.  Fees for
umpires shall be reviewed annually and set for the upcoming year on or before the
March meeting.  The Umpire-in-Chief will submit a proposed budget for expenses and game fees to the League
Treasurer for inclusion. The Umpire-in-Chief will be responsible for reporting any up to the minute rule changes administered by Little League.  The Umpire-in-
Chief will be consulted as needed for clarification of any Little League Rules or Regulations. Should a protest occur resulting from a regular season, or second season game, the Umpire-in-Chief must be present during the protest meeting. The Umpire-in-Chief will be in charge of the
recruiting and training of any new umpires. 


11. The Safety Officer shall be responsible for coordinating all safety activities including ensuring safety in player training and play conditions.  The Safety Officer shall develop, maintain and submit a League safety plan as required by Little League. The Safety Officer will coordinate the reporting and prevention of injuries.  The Safety Officer shall solicit suggestions for making conditions safer and report said suggestions to the Board for consideration and implementation.  The President shall, if appropriate, report the suggestions to Little League Headquarters.  The Safety Officer shall submit a yearly budget estimate to the League Treasurer for inclusion in his overall proposed budget plan. The Safety officer shall be responsible for all activities related to volunteer clearances including, but not limited to, ensuring all volunteer clearances are up to date and completed as needed including the yearly Little League clearance.



12. The Equipment Officer shall be responsible for the inventorying of existing equipment and uniforms, the collection and submission of pricing estimates for new equipment and uniforms, the actual purchasing of new equipment and uniforms and the distribution/collection of equipment and uniforms during preseason and at season’s end.  He is also responsible for its proper storage.  The Equipment Officer shall submit a yearly budget estimate to the League Treasurer for inclusion in his overall proposed budget plan.


14. The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for all media contacts (press releases, league data and standings) as approved by the Board of Directors.  The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the League website and all social media accounts. The Public Relations Officer shall also be responsible for issuing all registration notices, planning player photos, fund raising activities and assisting as needed with the planning of the Opening Day Program. The Public Relations Office shall submit a yearly budget estimate to the League Treasurer for inclusion in his overall proposed budget plan. 


17. Concession Manager shall maintain the operation of concession facilities, organize the purchase of concession products, responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events, collects and reviews concession related offers including coupons, discounts and bulk-purchasing opportunities, and organizes, tallies and keeps records of concession sales and purchases.  



1. The Board of Directors for the League shall consist of the aforementioned Officers as defined in Article IV. 

2. The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the affairs and business of this organization.  Such Board of Directors shall act only in the name of the organization when it shall be regularly convened by the President or First Vice President when the President is unavailable after due notice to all the Directors of such meeting. 

3. The majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum and the meetings of the Board shall be held at the discretion of the Chairman.  All votes shall be in the form of a simple majority. 

4. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members. 





1. The following shall have a vote on all matters brought before the members of the regular membership meetings: 

A. All Elected Officers Other Than the President - One (1) vote per Board Office. 

B. If an elected Officer is not present, a designated officer may not vote for the absent officer by proxy. 

C. In the event there is a voting deadlock among the elected Officers, the President shall cast the deciding vote. 

2. Quorum  

A quorum of the voting members present shall be required to approve any motion that has been made and seconded. 

B. Board related decisions necessary, may be voted on via e-mail, approved by a quorum of voting members, and validated by the President.  These items would be issues needing a timely response but not necessarily a fully convened meeting.  Examples of such (but not limited to) would be to approve new items suggested for the concession stands, the voting of a coach or manager when there are no other candidates submitted etc.  

3. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President when he deems it necessary for the best interest of the organization. Reasonable notice of such special meetings shall be given to the voting members. 

4. At the request of a majority of the Board of Directors, the President shall cause a special meeting to be held in accordance with the procedure set forth under Paragraph 3 of this Article.  

5. Nominations for the election of Officers shall be held at the September meeting and the election of officers shall be held at the October meeting.  No elected officer shall have tenure except that of the President.  The elected President shall have a term of (3) consecutive years from the time he is elected.  His term could expire or be truncated due to any one of the following: 1) completion of term and a decision made not to be considered for re-election, 2) his resignation at any time, 3) his removal from office due to conduct deemed detrimental to our league, which would require a majority vote of elected officers, or 4) an unforeseen emergency.  A majority vote of the voting members present is required to elect an officer. 

6. Any change(s) in the by-laws of the League must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at any regular membership meeting and a vote on the requested change(s) to the by-laws shall require a quorum vote of the Board of Directors for passage. 




1.         The following is the suggested method in which the regular membership meetings shall be conducted.  Adjustments to this outline may be made by the President at his discretion. 

A.  Roll Call of Officers. 

B. Approval of Minutes of the Preceding Board Meeting. 

C. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report. 

D. Recognition of Guests*.  

E. Reports of Officers. 

F. Reports of Committees. 

G. Old and Unfinished Business. 

H .New Business. 

I. Good of the Order. 

J. Adjournment.   

*  -   Attending guests not formally placed on the agenda prior to the regularly scheduled meeting will be allotted approximately 5 minutes to address the Board with any issues.   



1. No Officer, Manager, or Coach of the League shall be entitled to receive any salary or compensation for his or her position in this organization.  Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent anyone from being reimbursed for expenditures other than his or her duties. 

2. There shall not be any dues for this League. 



1.   Dillsburg Youth Baseball offers athletes of various ages the opportunity to learn the many skills associated with the game of baseball.  It also affords the opportunity to help understand the values of sportsmanship, fairness, sacrifice, and teamwork. The Dillsburg Youth Baseball Board of Directors is committed to the excellence of the program while incorporating these values and will continue to strive to provide the best opportunities for our athletes.  Accordingly, all participants of the game, players, managers, coaches, and fans alike must be aware that they are ever in the public’s eye and should strive to conduct themselves in a manner that is above reproach.  Accountabilities for behaviors in conflict with the above are addressed in Article X. 



1. The player/student should be standing at attention, with hat removed during the National Anthem and recital of the Little League Pledge.  Talking, laughing, or horseplay during such will not be tolerated.  The first offense will be a verbal warning to the player and parent.  A second offense could result in a suspension from activities for a period of three (3) consecutive days with a letter sent to the parents/guardians addressing the situation.  A third offense could result in the expulsion from  team activities as determined by a disciplinary review committee. (See para. 11)  

2. The player/student must note that any use of profanity is forbidden.  The first offense will be a verbal warning to the player and parent.  A second offense could result in a suspension from activities for a period of three (3) consecutive days with a letter sent to the parents/guardians addressing the situation.  A third offense could result in the expulsion from team activities as determined by a disciplinary review committee. (See para. 11) 

3. The player/student must understand that harassment, physical or verbal will not be tolerated.  Harassment can be considered as, but not limited to: Pranks designed to intimidate or hinder any player’s ability or even the willingness to play; references to race, religion, physical or personal attributes or preferences etc. The first offense will be a verbal warning the player and parent.  A second offense could result in a suspension from all team activities for a period of three (3) consecutive games with a letter sent to the parents/guardians addressing the situation as determined by a disciplinary review committee. A third offense will mean immediate expulsion from the team. 

4. The player involved in any physical confrontation, as the perpetrator of the incident shall immediately be suspended from his or her team’s next three (3) physically played games.  The player will also be restricted from participating in any other team activities. i.e. practices etc.  Physical confrontation can be considered as, but not limited to, the throwing of punches, kicking with the obvious intent to injure, the striking of an individual with any foreign object such as bats, balls, ball gloves, rocks, sticks etc,.  

5. The players must note that berating or criticizing an official/s will not be tolerated.  Being ejected by an official will result in suspension for the remainder of that game and suspension from his or her team’s next physically played game.  A second offense can result in immediate expulsion from the team and its activities as determined by a disciplinary review committee.  (See para. 11)  

6. The player/student must note that any act of stealing will not be   tolerated.  Substantiated claims of such will result in immediate expulsion from the team and its activities. 

7. The manager/coach shall conduct themselves in as reasonably professional manner as practical.  They are expected to be role models for their players/students.  When a manager or coach is ejected from a game, they shall leave the field and area within sight of the filed immediately. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled.  Any manager/coach ejected from a game is suspended for his or her team’s next physically played game. 

8. It is expected of any manager/coach ejected from a contest, to “self -report” the incident to the appropriate divisional vice president.  Willful neglect of this requirement can result in a more extensive suspension as determined by a disciplinary review committee.  (See para. 11) 

9. The fan/spectator while encouraged to be energetically involved from the sideline is also expected to show the proper emotional restraint during any contest.  The berating of officials, coaches or players from either team or the willful distraction or disruption of any contest will not be tolerated.  Any fan considered by an umpire, or as reported to an umpire for action, to be conducting him or herself in a manner considered in conflict these expectations, will, for the first offense be verbally warned.  The second offense will be a request to leave the premises.  The third offense will prompt a call to the local authorities for removal.  After such escalation of an event, a disciplinary review committee will convene at the earliest convenience to discuss any further actions required for such an incident.  (See para. 11) 

10. Any conduct which would bring disgrace, dishonor or disrespect upon the organization or its members such as described but not limited to that described in paragraphs 1 through 9, must be brought to the attention of the League President within a 5 day period.  After reviewing the incident and if deemed necessary, the president shall call a special meeting of the disciplinary review committee within one week, at which time any accused individual/s, and any witnesses to the alleged incident shall be brought before the disciplinary committee.  This will provide an opportunity to present any additional information relevant to alleged incident.  At the conclusion of this review, all parties except those of the disciplinary committee will be dismissed.  The committee will continue by reviewing the previous discussions and by a voice vote choose to recommend disciplinary action or dismissal of any further action.  A simple majority carries the recommendation.  A vote on any disciplinary action must be taken by the Board of Directors. Examples of disciplinary action could be, but not limited to: a letter of reprimand, suspension, or expulsion. Whichever decided upon, the accused individual/s shall receive notice of such by certified letter. The vote by the Board of Directors is final.  There is no appeal process. Outright refusal to attend this meeting by the accused individual will result in an automatic suspension for the next 2 consecutive games. 

11. The disciplinary review committee shall consist of: The League President, who will chair the committee, the applicable League Vice President of the accused individual, one other additional League Vice President, the Player Agent, and any one of the remaining Board members.  In the case where a division has co-vice presidents, only one is required to attend.  All committee members have a single vote.  If, by chance any member of this committee whose participation could be considered as a conflict of interest or is the accused party, he shall be relieved of duty on the committee until proceedings are completed.  The League President would then request an alternate from the remaining pool of board members.


                ARTICLE XI - REGISTRATION    

1. Registration fees will be set for the upcoming year for both the regular season and the second season

2. Registration fees shall be reviewed no later than the October meeting of each year.

3. A late registration fee of $25 will be assessed for anyone registering after the deadline. Exception for being new to district.


3. In the event of a cancelled season parents shall be given 30 days from cancellation to determine what to do with their registration fees.

   A.Full refund with board approval

   B. Credit towards the next season

   C. Donation to the league to help cover expenses incurred        



1.    All eligible candidates for all T-Ball Divisions as well as all T-Ball coaches shall be assigned to teams by the Fourth Vice President at his discretion.  The intent in assigning eligible candidates to teams is to make the teams as even as possible.  All players returning from the previous year shall remain on the same teams they played on the previous year.   

2.    All eligible candidates for Coach Pitch Division will be assigned teams by 4th VP

3.    All eligible candidates for Hybrid Division will participate in a try-out(s) each year

4.    All eligible candidates as defined by the Official Little League Regulations and Playing Rules for the Minor and Major league teams will participate in a try-out(s) each year and will be eligible for selection by a Major league team.  If not selected by a Major league team, remaining candidates shall be placed in the draft pool and await his or her selection by a Minor league team  

5.    Selection of eligible candidates to Major and Minor league teams and Hybrid teams shall be by means of a player draft to be held ideally within one week of the last day of try-outs.  The Board of Directors will each year, according to the recommended procedures contained in the Little League Operating Manual, decide the draft procedures and the need for addition and deletion of teams.   

6.    The selection of sponsors will be based on tenure and availability.  New sponsor will be picked from a waiting list maintained by DYB 




In every division of the League, the selection of all managers and coaches for the League's regular season shall be governed by the following procedure:  

1. Following the final “late” registration, each divisional Vice President or co-Vice President shall determine the total number of managers and coaches required for the regular season.  The list of candidates available for these positions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors by each divisional Vice President for review and approval.

2. In selecting Managers and or coaching candidates for all divisional regular season teams listed herein, priority shall be given to the candidates most closely matching the following requirements:  

A. Any Managerial or coaching candidate must have a background check completed in good standing. 

B. Any Managerial or coaching candidate must be a resident within our Little League Boundary as submitted to Little League and or in the case of the Teener division and up, a resident of The Northern York School District and the 17019 zip code in York County.  (Special exceptions and considerations can be made for extenuating circumstances i.e. Divorced or separated parents, untimely job transfers, or simply no other applicants for the position.  These and any other considerations must be approved by the Board of Directors on an individual basis.) 

C. Returning regular season managers of teams from the same division, provided such candidates are available and otherwise qualified; 

D. Returning regular season coaches of teams from the same division, provided such candidates are available and otherwise qualified. 

E. Returning regular season managers of teams from other divisions, provided such candidates are available and otherwise qualified; 

F. Returning regular season coaches of teams from other divisions, provided such candidates are available and otherwise qualified; 

G. Other candidates who are available and otherwise qualified.   NOTE: The determination as to whether any candidate is qualified is within the sole discretion of the Board. No Manager or Coach has Tenure.  

3. Prior to the vote by the Board, any candidate may present evidence in support of his/her qualifications to be a regular season manager.  If such evidence includes the testimony of persons who are present to speak on behalf of the candidate, such testimony shall be limited to that of no more than three (3) persons.  Testimony presented should be limited to 5 minutes per speaker. 

4. The final selection of regular season managers shall be determined by a vote of the members of the Board present at the time of the vote. The vote may be by voice or ballot.  All potential candidates shall be asked to leave the room before the final pre-vote discussions and the vote itself takes place.  This is to include any Board member who may be a potential candidate.  It shall be assumed that any Board member intending for a position will be allowed to cast one vote for him or herself.  If the final vote is done per ballot, the ballots will be presented to the League President for count.  The League Treasurer or Secretary will then review and validate the result.  



1. In addition to the above, the regular season manager will be required as a minimum, to ensure attendance by him or herself, or a selected team delegate at the following events:  Little League mandated safety meeting and training session as offered.  

2. Spring field maintenance day(s) scheduled by the Maintenance Director or the League President. 

3. League wide meeting with managers, coaches, and League President. 

4. Failure to fulfill the requirements as noted above in each case, will result in forfeiture of the respective manager’s team’s next scheduled “on field” practice nearest their first scheduled game.  They also lose the ability to scrimmage during the final week of practices prior to opening day.  

5. Mangers of each team are required to take a rules test prior to the annual safety mtg.  A passing score of 70% must be achieved.  Managers not achieving a passing score will be required to attend the first two weeks of district rules clinics (coaches are encouraged to attend)




1. The following information is limited to ALL Star/Post Season Tournament teams representing Dillsburg Youth Baseball Inc. 

2. The selection of All-Star/Post Season teams, from here on simply referred to post season teams, for participation in Post Season tournaments, must be approved by the Board of Directors upon requests of the appropriate division Vice Presidents. 

3. All regular season managers, coaches or approved volunteers are eligible to become Team managers and/or coaches.  

4. Any regular season manager, coach or approved volunteer who desires to be a Post Season manager shall submit in writing to the Board a list of his qualifications and reasons why he or she should be considered for selection. 

5. The Board and/or a committee thereof, shall review all written applications for Post Season team managers and shall recommend a slate of possible candidates to the Board as a whole. 

6. The selection process for players interested in being considered for All Star/ Post Season play is as follows:

A. The Managers of all the players at the All-Star team’s age level will select the players for the team.  The board will then select a manager from either interested players.


I.              Managers from the Majors Division will select the following:

A. International team-coaches in division select top 9 players in age group. Once the coach is selected they then 

select the last 5 players based on coaches recommendations and team needs, 13 players total

B. 11-12 Boyd-coaches select top 8 players remaining in age group. Once coach is selected they then 

select the last 3-5 players based on coaches recommendations.. Boyd does not abide by the 12 player 

rule for 3 coaches.

b.  State 10-11 (11-14 selected)* this team is optional based on talent. Need for this team is to be voted on after the selection of the international team is complete by the panel of major managers.


2. Managers from the minors division will select the following:

A. 9-10 state- coaches in division select top 9 players in division. Once the coach is selected they then 

select the last 4 players based on coaches recommendations and team needs 13 players total

B. 9-10 boyd- coaches select top 9 players remaining in age group.. Once coach is selected they then select 

the last 2-3 players based on coaches recommendations and team needs Boyd does not abide by the 12 

player rule for 3 coaches.


3.    Managers from the Hybrid Division will select the Boyd 7-8 (11 selected)

A. 7-8 Boyd - coaches select top 9 players in age group.. Once coach is selected they then select the last 1-

3 players based on coaches recommendations and team needs. Boyd does not abide by the 12 player rule for 3 coaches


The managers will put forth information about all players to be considered.  This should be a mixture of statistical and manager testimonials.  Any manager that has information that would be helpful should feel free to speak on behalf of the player.

I. If a player is playing up a level then his manager or a proxy must go to the meeting in which that player could be considered.

a. 10’s playing majors being considered for 9-10 state team.

b. 8’s playing minors being considered for 7-8 Boyd team.

C. Silent ballot will be used to make the player selection at each level.

I. EX: Each manager will then be provided a ballot numbered 1-13 for international.  The manager will put who they believe is the best available player as selection number 1, second best available as number 2 and so on.  The 13 players with the lowest total will make up the international team.  These players will then be removed for consideration for all other levels of post season play.


D. Timeline:

I.This will be determined by the Vice Presidents of the three divisions.  These individuals will set and run the voting meetings.


7. The final selection of the Post Season team managers shall be made by a quorum vote of the Board of Directors after the minimum amount of players are Selected for the All Star / Post Season teams have been assembled. 

 Upon appointment of the Post Season team managers, each Post Season team manager shall be solely responsible for selecting his/her assistant coaches.







Dillsburg Youth Baseball
Dillsburg Youth Baseball, PO Box 96
Dillsburg, Pennsylvania 17019

Email: [email protected]

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